
we're IN TO WIN!

Monday, July 19, 2010

ECS Seniors 2011 -Let's Get it Started!

After a long, hard junior year, we, the new seniors, decied to celebrate! We all went to the Baumhower's for lunch. Then, the Payne's were so hospitable as to let us come to their house fo a meeting about our senior year events, to swim, and to have ice cream cake! Mrs. Payne had many ideas to share with us, but as soon as the "meeting" was over, we headed straight for the ice cream cake and changed into our swim suits! We enjoyed an afternoon of fun and fellowship by the pool. Wejo and AJ did some pretty awesome tricks off the diving board. Later, the boys had chicken fights. After getting eeryone soaked in one way or another (including the fully clothed Jordan), we headed home, finally ready for the long-awaited summer vacation!